For the instructions, add your name on the list and simply spell out your name using the given Japanese letter- translations below. Have fun.
A - ka | F - lu | K - me | P - no | U - do | Z - zi |
B - tu | G - ji | L - ta | Q - ke | V - ru | |
C - mi | H - ri | M - rin | R - shi | W - mei | |
D - te | I - ki | N - to | S - ari | X - na | |
E - ku | J - zu | O - mo | T - chi | Y - fu |
* Cherie- Mirikushikiku
The translation of my name makes it sound like a baby who just learned how to talk.. hahaha..
But I'm having fun translating peoples name.. Like...
Esmund- Kuaririndotote (In malay, kuari rindu tote. So cute)
Simon- Arikirinmochi (Mochi.. a type of food)
Christine- Mirishikiarichikitoku (So long... Do you think parent will put such a name for their child? Teacher and friends will have hard time to call this girl name. Haha...)
Daniel- Tekatokikuta (So many T's and K's plus with all the vowel)
Joel- Zumokuta
Rachel- Shikamirikuta
It think that's all for this little post. Bye dearest diary..
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